TRADES TODAY | Volume 3 Edition 4
Lights, hammers, action!
Carpenters, hairstylists, crane operators and countless other tradespeople bring their expertise to the sets of Ontario’s biggest film and TV productions. Hear from skilled trades professionals who work behind-the-scenes in the industry
The “Jill” of all trades
HVACR mechanic Brandi Ferenc grew up around tradespeople, but didn’t realize her own passion for the trades until later in life. In Ontario, only 42 women work in her trade. Find out why she’s encouraging more to follow her lead on pg. 8.
Culinary industry feeling the heat
Enrollment in Ontario’s professional chef and cook apprenticeship programs has dwindled in recent years. Read about why and what type of industry recommendations experts are calling for on pg. 12.
Generating jobs: Darlington refurbishment project
Ontario Power Generation‘s refurbishment project will unfold over the next 10 years and involve employing thousands of tradespeople. Learn more on pg. 10.
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