Ontario Cutting Red Tape to Support Jobs and Growth in the Construction Industry
July 18, 2019
Good day,
Today, Attorney General Doug Downey announced the designation of ADR Chambers Inc. (ADR) to act as Authorized Nominating Authority (ANA) under the Construction Act. As I’m sure you’re aware, this is a highly anticipated, essential next step towards the full implementation of a first-in-Canada prompt payment regime to support our construction industry in this province.
ADR has significant experience delivering alternative dispute resolution services across a broad range of sectors and industries. In its capacity as the ANA, it will be responsible for overseeing the new adjudication regime by performing the duties and services set out in the Act and supporting regulations.
Our government looks forward to fully implementing the new construction adjudication system, as overseen by the Authorized Nominating Authority, on October 1, 2019.
Attached please find our government news release announcing ADR as the new Authorized Nominating Authority. It can also be found on the Government of Ontario website, here.
We encourage you to share this exciting news across your network as you see appropriate.
Jenessa Crognali | Press Secretary and Issues Manager
Office of The Honourable Doug Downey
Ministry of the Attorney General
m: 416-508-9892