You are Invited! Workers’ Compensation Bootcamp (Level 1 & 2)
In-Person Seminar
Workers’ Compensation Bootcamp (Level 1 & 2)
Workers’ Compenstion Bootcamp Level 1
Thursday, May 9, 2019 | 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, EST – Toronto, ON
The world of workers’ compensation can be complex and frustrating for those responsible for managing WSIB claims. Our Workers’ Compensation Bootcamp Level I will assist Claims Management Personnel, Human Resources Personnel, Managers and Supervisors to understand the obligations that arise when workplace injuries/illnesses occur, tools to navigate the claims management process, and how to respond effectively to issues that can arise over the course of a claim.
This level is geared towards individuals with entry-level to mid-level knowledge of workers’ compensation claims management topics, and is also often taken as refresher training.
- This seminar will provide:
An overview of Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 with a focus on important employer obligations
Claim suppression: the rules and how to avoid costly penalties - A description of the inner workings of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and direction about key contacts for claims and account issues
- Information about effective accident investigations and how to effectively complete the Employer’s Report of Injury (Form 7)
- How to monitor claims costs
- WSIB decisions and a review of Time-limits
- Techniques and strategies for effective claims management beginning on the date of injury
- An overview of the Early and Safe Return to Work (ESRTW) process, including forms to be completed, and techniques for overcoming barriers
- An Update on the WSIB’s Rate Framework
We are excited to continue our extended format training (a full day for both levels!) to include breakout sessions and Case Study discussions!
Register early as space is limited!
Level 1 Registration – REGISTER NOW!
Workers’ Compensation Bootcamp Level 2
Thursday, May 30, 2019 | 9:00am to 4:00pm, EST – Toronto, ON
Workers’ Compensation Bootcamp Level 2 builds on the information covered in the Level 1 Bootcamp. This session will help participants understand more complex concepts that arise in the workers’ compensation world.
This level is geared towards individuals that have more experience or more advanced knowledge of workers’ compensation claims management. This session provides training on more advanced topics that can arise in more complex claims.
- This seminar will cover topics such as:
Psychological entitlement including Chronic Mental Stress - Entitlement to Loss of Earnings (LOE) benefits and how they are calculated
- Permanent Impairments and Non-Economic Loss (NEL) awards
- Re-employment and cooperation obligations under the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act and how to comply with them (Including O.Reg. 35/98 for Construction Employers)
- Understanding Work Reintegration (WR) and Work Transition Services (WTS)
- Monitoring WR and WTS and the cost impacts of those claims including experience rating implications
- Objections and Appeals: time-limits and strategic considerations
- Important Information about the WSIB’s Rate Framework
We are excited to continue our extended format training (a full day for both levels!) to include breakout sessions and Case Study discussions!
Register early as space is limited!
Level 2 Registration – REGISTER NOW!
Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLP, RBC Centre,155 Wellington St.W.,Suite 3600, Toronto, ON M5V 3H1 Canada