Your weekly Ontario Construction Report | December 10
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This week’s Ontario Construction News – December 10, 2018
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Ontario Construction Report: December issue published
The December issues of Ontario Construction Report, GTA Construction Report and Ottawa Construction News have been published. You can view the stories within the publications through links at the respective websites or, if you are receiving the Ontarioconstructionreport.com weekly eletter, clicking at the sidebar images. Here is the link to the page turning software version of December’s Ontario Construction […]
Ford government to loosen rules restricting bidding to unionized construction contractors in several Ontario municipalities
Contractors and industry associations unaffiliated with Ontario’s building trade unions are expressing satisfaction with the Conservative government’s decision to amend the Ontario Labour Relations Act so that municipalities and public agencies can contract with any qualified business, even if they previously were restricted to unionized construction employers. The issue relates to legal provisions that deem […]
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Ottawa Official Plan Amendments: Associations win settlement of contentious issues as city prepares for the next review
A settlement between the city, the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’Association (GOHBA) and the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) of Ottawa covers more than 25 items in the existing Official Plan Amendment 150. The agreement was accepted at a Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) prehearing on Oct. 22. “The settlement provides clarity for a number […]
MOOSE: Funds can be raised, interprovincial trains running in 2020 if court and regulatory fights are resolved quickly
While some Ottawa municipal officials are resisting the concept, the leader of a private business seeking to set up an interprovincial commuter rail system in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec says he can have trains running by 2020, assuming regulatory conflicts between the federal and municipal levels of government are resolved quickly. The MOOSE Consortium, […]
OGCA publishes revamped Document 100 and new Handbook for Executives
The Ontario General Contractors Association (OGCA) has published a new Handbook for Executives, which the association says is designed to assist general contractors in navigating the new Construction Act and the changes made to the old Lien Act. The handbook was a collaboration of many industry professionals and lawyers working since the release of the […]