What’s New – Ontario Ministry of Labour | November 2018
Ministry launches Collective Bargaining Ontario
The ministry has launched a new online resource that provides labour relations data and trends via interactive graphs and charts, searchable databases and reports. Find the average wage increases in a particular sector or the number of strikes and lockouts. Collective Bargaining Ontario helps you find the labour relations data that you want for free, at any time.
Employment standards initiative in construction
From May to August 2018, the ministry conducted an inspection initiative focused on construction workplaces. Employment standards officers looked at residential and non-residential building construction; foundation, structure and building exterior contractors; and other specialty trade contractors. Learn what the officers found.
Health and safety initiatives in mining and construction
Over the past year, the ministry has conducted health and safety initiatives at mines and mining plants that focus on conveyor guarding, personal protective equipment (PPE) and high visibility clothing. The ministry also ran an initiative that focused on working at heights in construction. Learn what the inspectors found.
Read the results on conveyor guarding
Read the results on PPE and high-visibility clothing
Read the results on working at heights
Protect workers from the flu
It’s that time of the year: runny nose, nagging cough, annoying headache. But, it’s also a time when the symptoms could be much worse. During flu season, thousands of workers in Ontario become sick with the flu. Learn how to protect your workers.
Find printable resources for flu season
Learn how to protect workers from the flu
“It’s Your Job” student video contest now open
Ontario’s secondary school students are encouraged to submit a video of up to two minutes on any topic related to workplace health and safety. This year’s optional theme is how workplace safety can improve the bottom line, protecting workers and helping businesses to grow and prosper. Winners and their respective schools will be awarded cash prizes! The top entry will also advance to the national finals for a chance to win additional prizes. The deadline for submissions is March 4, 2019.
New MSD prevention guideline for Ontario
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most common workplace injury in Ontario. The province’s health and safety system has unveiled a new prevention guideline to prevent MSDs, along with a new website. Developed by the Centre of Research Expertise for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (CRE-MSD), this new guideline provides updated content and a host of tools and resources to meet the needs of organizations of all types and sizes.
Send your WSIB claims through a convenient, new tool
The WSIB has made it easier for people to send their claims information online via a new document upload tool. This new digital service will help get information about your claims to the right people faster.
Reminder: Working at heights training
The ministry wants to remind workplaces that those who took mandatory working at heights training in 2015 must take refresher training, as the training is valid for three years. If the training has expired and a worker hasn’t taken refresher training, they cannot work at heights.
What’s New is published by the Ministry of Labour.
Ontario Ministry of Labour
400 University Avenue, 12th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 1T7