AODA Toolbox – April 2018
Employment standards review: public feedback wanted
The Accessible Employment Standards Development Committee has submitted its Initial Recommendation Report to the Minister Responsible for Accessibility.
The Committee is now seeking public comment through a survey prior to finalizing its recommendations to government. The survey will be open until May 5, 2018.
Your feedback will help the Employment Standards Development Committee draft final recommendations for the Minister Responsible for Accessibility to consider.
Read the requirements of the accessible employment standards.
Learn more about Ontario’s accessibility laws at ontario.ca/accessibility.
Are your accessibility policies up-to-date?
Policies are organizational rules, practices or procedures that guide how you carry out your day-to-day business. Accessibility policies set out the rules that your organization will put in place to make your organization accessible.
For example, businesses and non-profits must provide accessibility training to staff and volunteers as soon as possible. You may decide to establish a policy requiring accessibility training within the first week of starting their job.
Keep your policies current – if you make changes to your policies, tell your staff about them.
Businesses and non-profits with 50 or more employees must also develop a statement of commitment and create a multi-year plan.
Learn more about accessibility policies for businesses and non-profits with 1-49 employees.
Use this template to create an accessible customer service policy
Accessibility Tip
You have the flexibility to create accessibility policies that best fit your existing organizational culture and business practices. You can have one policy or a series of policies on accessibility. You can also integrate the accessibility policy or policies into existing policies.
Top Tools
The Camps Committed to Inclusion Project has information and resources to help camps enable the successful inclusion of more people with disabilities – staff, campers, families, and volunteers – in Ontario’s camps.
Our Doors Are Open: Guide for Accessible Congregations offers different faith communities in Ontario simple, creative ideas and guidance to increase inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities during worship services, events, and community activities.
Is my organization required to create a policy about having a scent-free workplace for people with chemical sensitivities?
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act uses the same definition for disability as the Ontario Human Rights Code, which covers a broad range of disabilities. The definition could include other conditions, including a chemical sensitivity.
Because this broad definition of disability applies to Ontario’s accessibility laws, organizations could be required to accommodate the needs of people with chemical sensitivities.
You are not necessarily required to develop policies on the use of chemicals or perfumes in the workplace or in areas that are open to the public. You have the flexibility to develop accessibility policies that best suit your organization’s needs. However, if an employee requests an accommodation related to a chemical sensitivity, you may want to consider how this should impact your organization as a whole.
Organizations with one or more employees in Ontario are required to establish policies on providing goods, services and facilities to people with disabilities. You must make reasonable efforts to make sure these policies are consistent with certain principles. This includes providing equal opportunity for people with various types of disabilities to access your organization’s goods, services and facilities.
Learn more from the Ontario Human Rights Commission about accommodating environmental sensitivities in the workplace.