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Ontario Erectors Association

Construction Health and Safety Action Plan 2017

Download the 2017 Health and Safety Action Plan here.

“Health and safety is an area of public policy where implementation must be ongoing. There is immediate importance to this work in helping to ensure that workers return home safely at the end of the day. That is why the Ministry of Labour and Chief Prevention Office are already implementing recommendations aimed at priority areas of concern identified by the advisory group.

This action plan was created in close partnership with employers, workers and other partners. It will be implemented in the same spirit of collaboration. Together, we’ve established the key performance indicators that will measure whether the recommendations are hitting their mark and having success. We will adapt our plans, as needed, to ensure progress is made, and to address emerging priorities.

My office and the ministry will work with the committed people in the construction sector to sustain health and safety progress over the long term—to ensure more workers return home safely and to help build the workforce Ontario will need to keep building well into the future.”

George Gritziotis   Chief Prevention Officer Associate Deputy Minister