What’s New March 2016 | Issue #70
Brought to you by The Ministry of Labour
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Awareness Campaigns Target Working At Heights, Residential Roofing
Falls continue to be the leading cause of critical injuries and fatalities in construction. In response, the Ministry of Labour is launching a digital and radio awareness campaign about the new training requirements for working at heights. The ministry has also begun conducting an online campaign to raise homeowner’s awareness of the risks posed by hiring residential roofing contractors who operate “under the table” in cash deals.
Learn More About the New Training Requirements >
Hiring a Roofer >
Workplace Fatalities
Workplace fatalities have a tremendous impact on families, workplaces and communities. As part of its mission to raise awareness of preventive information, the ministry has created a new webpage with resources to alert workplaces to hazards in a variety of industries.
New JHSC Standards Now In Effect
New training standards have come into force for certifying Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) members in Ontario. The new standards contain specific criteria that must be met to obtain approval by Ontario’s Chief Prevention Officer for JHSC certification training programs and training providers who want to deliver those programs. An updated list of training providers is also now available.
Radon Guideline

Workers may be exposed to elevated levels of radon gas in indoor environments. Radon can accumulate to high concentrations indoors in confined or poorly ventilated spaces, as well as in confined subterranean spaces. Learn about the hazards and precautions that can be taken to protect workers.
Hazard Alert: Safety Of Load Haul Dump Equipment Operators

Workers operating Load Haul Dump (LHD) equipment could be ejected from the operator’s compartment while the equipment is moving. The ministry has issued a new alert about the potential for serious injury or death to LHD operators if the equipment is not properly inspected, operated and maintained in good condition.
Steps For Life

Every spring, people of all ages take part in the Steps for Life five-kilometre walk to raise funds to support Canadians affected by workplace tragedy. Register now for early-bird savings!
What’s New is published by the Ministry of Labour