Employment & Labour Law Update – Management Counsel Newsletter – October 2014
Content provided by Sherrard Kuzz LLP Employment & Labour Lawyers
Our newsletter is published six times a year to highlight important issues in Canadian employment and labour law.
This month we address two issues:
- Employer Receives Tongue-Lashing for Language-Based Discrimination
What a Difference a Month Makes
We hope you enjoy our October 2014 edition of Management Counsel
- Employer Receives Tongue-Lashing for Language-Based Discrimination
- In many Ontario workplaces there is an expectation employees will be proficient in English. The question we are often asked is: Can an employer terminate an employee because of poor English proficiency? Would this termination run afoul of the Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”)? In Liu v. Everlink Payment Services Inc., 2014 HRTO 202, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario considered this tricky question and provided employers with useful guidelines on how to navigate English proficiency requirements in the workplace. Learn more….
- What a Difference a Month Makes
- While the notion of a fixed term employment contract may seem like a straight-forward matter, this is not always the case. How a fixed term contract may come to an end without further liability requires careful drafting, monitoring and action. Even when this appears to have been the case, one Alberta-based employer suffered a rude and expensive surprise due to its failure to strictly adhere to the precise terms of the agreement. Learn more….
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- You are also invited to our upcoming HReview Breakfast Seminar:
- 2014’s Hottest Employment and Labour Developments
- Is your organization prepared for 2015?
- This free breakfast seminar will be held on Thursday November 27, 2014, at the Mississauga Convention Centre, 75 Derry Road West, Mississauga, L5W 1G3.
- Details, including how to register, can be found on the back page of our newsletter and on our website at http://www.sherrardkuzz.com/seminars.php.
- We look forward to seeing you!
- If you wish to Subscribe to our Newsletters, Seminars and Conferences please click the appropriate link.
- This content has been brought to you by:
- SHERRARD KUZZ LLP | Employment & Labour Lawyers 250 Yonge Street, Suite 3300, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2L7 Main 416.603.0700 | 24 Hour 416.420.0738 | Fax 416.603.6035 info@sherrardkuzz.com | www.sherrardkuzz.com