Ontario Moves Forward with Infrastructure Projects that Improve Communities and Create Jobs
News Release
Ontario Moves Forward with Infrastructure Projects that Improve Communities and Create Jobs
June 18, 2020
Spring 2020 P3 Market Update Signals Government’s Commitment to Build
TORONTO – The Ontario government continues to move forward with 37 major infrastructure projects across the province using the public-private partnership (P3) model. The projects were listed in the Spring 2020 P3 Market Update (known in the market as updates to the “P3 Pipeline”), which was released today by Laurie Scott, Ontario’s Minister of Infrastructure.”The message today is clear, our government is moving from shovel ready to shovels in the ground,” said Minister Scott. “The P3 Market Update signals to the infrastructure sector that Ontario remains committed to major infrastructure projects including subways, highways, health care and community safety projects. This is stimulus that will create jobs and contribute to the economic recovery of our province.”The P3 Market Update is a list of public projects in the pre-procurement and procurement stages for which Ontario has committed funding. The list helps potential local and global private sector partners organize their time and resources to make sure Ontario gets robust, innovative and competitive bids for its P3 infrastructure projects.”Ontario’s unique P3 model is a proven, internationally-recognized approach that gets projects done on time and on budget,” said Minister Scott. “We look forward to continuing to work with our private sector partners to build these significant projects for the benefit of people today and for generations to come.” Ontario’s P3 model is part of the government’s plan to build new infrastructure including transit, highways, schools and hospitals faster, improve productivity, help businesses get goods to markets, and create jobs.”This spring’s update is an important reassurance to industry and the people of Ontario,” said Ehren Cory, Infrastructure Ontario President and Chief Executive Officer. “It is important to provide as much certainty as possible to our industry partners regarding the Province’s commitment to the many P3 projects in planning and procurement.”The government committed to providing four infrastructure updates annually, with the next update planned for this summer, and a more comprehensive update planned for the fall.
- The Spring 2020 P3 Market Update includes a total of 37 P3 projects including: 17 civil (such as transit, subways, highways), 16 health care, three community safety, and one children’s treatment centre. Twenty-four of these are currently in procurement. Another 13 projects are in the pre-transaction phase. In addition, 13 additional projects are currently included in the planning phase.
- The Fall 2019 Update was the largest in Ontario’s history, investing more than $60 billion in projects across Ontario.
- Infrastructure Ontario (IO), a Crown agency overseen by the Minister of Infrastructure, is responsible for delivering projects under Ontario’s P3 model.
- Read the Spring 2020 P3 Market Update letter from Ehren Cory, President and Chief Executive Officer.
- To find out more about projects in your community, visit the Ontario Builds map.
- Ontario Government Releases Winter 2020 P3 Market Update
- Government Launches 2019 Ontario P3 Market Update
Sofia Sousa-Dias
Communications Branch
Christine Bujold
Minister’s Office
Ministry of Infrastructure