Call for Personal Protective Equipment
The province is asking for support to help front line healthcare workers and first responders by encouraging donations of personal protective equipment (PPE) through the Ontario Together web
Since the initial call to action was issued, The Province has had a significant response from the public and from Ontario businesses.
There is an ongoing need for PPE, including, but not limited to N95 respirators, surgical or procedure masks, face shields, eye protection, thermometers and gowns. We are reaching out to ask for continued help and donations. The Province is seeking help to donate any available PPE, in any quantity. As an alternative, the Ontario Together portal lists products the province is interested in buying.
Please visit the Ontario Together web portal (https://www.ontario.ca/page/how-your-organization-can-help-fightcoronavirus) and make a contribution.
A PDF of the original letter from Christine Elliott and Vic Fedeli available here: Joint Donations Outreach Letter 2020.04.27