In a Flash | Random Drug and Alcohol Testing is a Go at Suncor Worksites in the Oil Sands
Safety matters. Controlling impairment as a potential hazard has evidently continued to be a priority for Suncor even with the energy sector under pressure on multiple fronts. It has been a long road for Suncor to reach an agreement with the Union. One that had many a speedbump and even U-turns at times. See our previous article here for more background and the applicable legal tests.
So nearly seven years after the journey began, Suncor will start random testing in the first quarter of 2019 at its oil sands worksites. Contractors were notified by Suncor on November 29, 2018 that they will also be required to conduct random tests on their workers on designated Suncor sites. In the new year, more details will be provided by Suncor to its contractors.
However, this is a potential game changer for safety-sensitive positions and worksites like Suncor’s. The tide is turning. This said, it is important to remember that other employers will also have to carry out a careful and thorough analysis as whether or not random testing is appropriate for their worksites.
Stay tuned for further updates on this key fitness for duty issue.
If you have any questions about this topic or any other questions relating to workplace law, please do not hesitate to contact a Mathews Dinsdale lawyer.
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