Fall/Winter 2016-2017 edition of the Labour-Management Network e-News
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New Noise Regulation Guideline
Ontario has released a new guideline on the noise protection requirements that apply to all workplaces under Ontario Regulation 381/15 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Worker exposure to noise that is not properly controlled or eliminated may cause permanent hearing loss. Learn how to protect workers from this hazard.Click here to learn more.Concrete Finishers Health and Safety Manual (M073)
Concrete finishers are skilled tradespeople who place, finish, protect, and repair concrete floors, walls, driveways, sidewalks, stairs, and other surfaces. This health and safety manual contains the information they need to protect themselves from the hazards they face in the workplace.
In addition to general health and safety information on personal protective equipment, fall protection, and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), you’ll find topics in this new manual specific to concrete finishers. These include hazards related to the tools and equipment they use such as:
- Screed Machines
- Float and Trowel Machines
- Concrete Buckets and Buggies
- Concrete Pumps and Conveyors
- Diamond Grinders and Polishing Machines
- Scarifiers and Shot Blasters
- Mortar Mixers and Mixing Drills.
As well, you’ll find a section on occupational health hazards related to their exposure to:
- Carbon monoxide and noise from power tools and equipment
- Isocyanates from sealants and joint fillers
- Silica from dry-shake hardeners and concrete.
Sarnia Regional LMHSC Recognizes Jim Bradshaw
Earlier this year the Sarnia Region LMHSC recognized long standing member Jim Bradshaw (who recently retired from the committee) for his 19 years of service on the Labour-Management Network. Jim served on the Sheet Metal Trade Committee as well as the Sarnia Regional LMHSC. The members took the opportunity to recognize Mr. Bradshaw by presenting him with a Certificate acknowledging their appreciation for his dedication and continued support with the Committee and in the interest of Health and Safety in Ontario.
Jim is seen here (second from the left) receiving his certificate of appreciation from the Sarnia Committee Co-Chairs (Bob Sauve and David Kerwin).
Ontario Proposes Creation of Employer “Health and Safety Management Systems” under OHSA
On November 16, 2016, the Ontario government introduced Bill 70, Building Ontario Up for Everyone Act (Budget Measures), 2016, omnibus legislation that would, among other things, amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to provide for the establishment of employer “health and safety management systems.” Click here to read more.
Regulatory changes to use of Suspended Access Equipment announced
Amendments to the Construction Projects Regulation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to strengthen and clarify existing requirements relating to the use of suspended access equipment have been approved.
Key amendments include:
- Introducing a requirement for notifying the Ministry of Labour prior to putting suspended access equipment into service for the first time at a project
- Introducing requirements for roof plans and site-specific work plans;
- Introducing training requirements for workers who may use or inspect suspended access equipment
- Enhancing existing design, operational, technical and engineering requirements
- Strengthening and enhancing existing inspection, testing and maintenance requirements by prescribing more prescriptive provisions for the regulated party and,
- Miscellaneous amendments to clarify certain requirements.
Amendments relating to the use of suspended access equipment will come into force on January 1, 2017. For more information on the amendments including the coming into force dates for the miscellaneous amendments, please click here and also visit the Source Law section of the e-Laws website.
Ladder UseA change to the requirements regarding the use of a ladder under section 80 should be noted as follows:
80. (1) A portable ladder at a project shall be manufactured and shall meet the design, performance, test and marking requirements of a Grade 1, Grade 1A or Grade 1AA ladder in the CSA Standard Z11-12, Portable Ladders. O. Reg. 345/15, s. 13.
IHSA addresses changes to suspended access equipment regulations with new training programs
The Ontario Ministry of Labour has made significant changes to the legislation concerning suspended access equipment and IHSA is preparing to address these changes. Click here for more information
Click here for a look at the new Suspended Access Equipment Users training program
Regional LMHSC Activity Update
Here is a look back at some of the outstanding efforts undertaken by the Regional Labour-Management committees in 2016. Click on the live links for full details
Barrie Region LMHSC:
The Barrie Regional committee is focusing on increasing its membership, encouraging greater participation of guests, and looking for opportunities to increase the value of the meetings it holds. The committee also ran a successful IHSA “Keep Your Promise” bus advertising campaign through the region.
Central Region LMHSC:
The Central Region LMHSC hosted the 2016 Joint meeting with the Hamilton and Niagara Region LMHSC’s which included participation from the Prevention Office and Paul Radkowski of the Life Recovery Program (www.liferecoveryprogram.org) who spoke about mental health and substance abuse in the workplace. The committee has also been very active addressing the following issues: Carbon Monoxide Monitoring; Clarification on use of Retractable lifelines; and Proper Inspection of Working at Heights equipment.
The Central Region publication Working Group continues to produce an informative newsletter and published four issues in 2016 on the topics of i) JHSC Certification; ii) Struck-by equipment incidents and MOL blitz schedule; iii) Falls / Working at Heights Bulletin iv) MSDs and Preventing Workplace Pains and Strains”
Hamilton Region LMHSC:
The Hamilton Region LMHSC has initiated a monthly Prevention Office update report and is in process of developing a poster in regards to cell phone distraction. The committee will also be participating in an annual joint meeting with the Central and Niagara LMHSC’s on June 6, 2017.
Kingston Region LMHSC:
The Kingston committee held an extremely busy and successful campaign in 2016 which continued throughout the last quarter.
On September 30th the committee hosted their annual Health and Safety Day for the region; the members participated in Lowes Contractor Appreciation Days from July 25-27, 2016; On Oct 21 the Kingston LM held their first (and hopefully annual) Trades Day with the Limestone District School Boards and the Algonquin School Board.Earlier this year in March, the Kingston Regional LMHSC met with West Edwards (P. Eng.) who is a Professor of Civil Engineering Technology at St. Lawrence College to discuss outreach opportunities with the students. The discussion brought about three very good opportunities to collaborate with the students and the college Click here for more details.
London Region LMHSC:
The London Region LMHSC is will once again be participating in a Safety Day in conjunction with the London and District Construction Association (LDCA), London Home Builders’ Association (LHBA) and Fanshawe College. This event has been scheduled for September and historically attracts upwards of 600-700 attendees. The committee has also decided to hold a lunch and learn session in 2017.
Niagara Region LMHSC:
The Niagara Region LMHSC will be hosting a joint meeting with the Hamilton and Central Region committees on June 6, 2017 and have commenced with arrangements for this event. The members will also be participating in various skills competition in the region and are continuing to offer their STEP program to schools in the region.
North Bay Region LMHSC:
The North Bay Region LMHSC will be participating in the North Eastern Ontario Health and safety conference in 2017 and are planning to hold a lunch and learn session at a remote location in lieu of a regular meeting this year.
Northwestern Region LMHSC:
In 2016 The Northwestern Region LMHSC participated in a student outreach event – “Pathway to a Career in Skilled Trades” at Westgate CVI and the members initiated Suspended Access Equipment Training by IHSA for the Northwestern Region that meets with new regulatory requirements. The members are also planning to participate in a Thunder Bay Bus advertising campaign once again in 2017.
Ottawa Region LMHSC:
The Ottawa Region LMHSC hosted a 2016 student event with the Ottawa Catholic School Board. This year there were industry and labour representatives on hand to present to 25 classes in 12 schools. The event reached 750 students.
The Ottawa committee was also involved in a Catholic High school outreach program where they participated in-class with teachers on April 26 and 27 (click here) The presentation was delivered to the students by the committee members, followed by Q&A sessions.
The committee also updated four best practice documents in its labour management network file for all to use, including a popular ladder assessment tool. The committee also hosted a successful Mock Trial event on October 13, which was held at the Ben Franklin Place Council Chambers on Ottawa
Sarnia Region LMHSC:The Sarnia Region LMHSC is initiating a “Keep Your Promise” advertising campaign on company trucks with decals and are organizing an Emergency Preparedness Day.
Sault Ste. Marie Region LMHSC:
The SSM regional committee is supporting efforts to improve safety on the road for snow plow drivers. Snow plow drivers have seen transport truck drivers make attempts to pass their plows when the plow is down. Although passing a snow plow when plowing is illegal, drivers report being passed regularly, and being clipped by a passing transport truck almost daily, occasionally resulting in injury and spinouts.
Sudbury Region LMHSC:
The Sudbury Region LMHSC will once again be participating in the Northern-eastern Ontario Health and Safety Conference and the members are planning to hold a lunch and learn session (in lieu of a committee meeting) at a remote location.
Timmins Region LMHSC:
The Timmins Region LMHSC been quite active in 2016 addressing some of the following issues: Discussed Occupational Disease issues in the Region; The members made a contribution to the 2016 Steps for Life walk; The committee received a Presentation on Raised Box Indicators from the City of Timmins; Members participated in the 2016 Timmins Annual Safety Awards in conjunction with the Timmins Construction Association; Co-ordinated the distribution of IHSA’s Occupational Health Risks booklet to health practitioners in the Timmins Region. For 2017, the committee has convened a Working Group to spearhead initiatives in the region, and the group is scheduled to meet in January to kick things off.
Toronto Region LMHSC:
On June 16, more than 70 guests attended the Toronto Region LMHSC held a Health and
Safety Symposium. This event was an information-packed day that focused on providing vital information on distracted driving, fall protection work plans and techniques among other topics. The session was intended for owners, managers, supervisors, construction health and safety officers, and certified members to help them succeed on the job. The event was a great success with small breakout groups and interactive sessions which proved invaluable to the participants. Click here for more details.
Windsor Region LMHSC:Safety Symposium. This event was an information-packed day that focused on providing vital information on distracted driving, fall protection work plans and techniques among other topics. The session was intended for owners, managers, supervisors, construction health and safety officers, and certified members to help them succeed on the job. The event was a great success with small breakout groups and interactive sessions which proved invaluable to the participants. Click here for more details.
The Windsor Region LMHSC will be participating in the Windsor Home show once again this year and the committee is planning to have two members participate on a safety committee run by the safety village and the city.
Algonquin College grads are helping keep power-line techs safe
A team of recent graduates from Algonquin College paired up with Hydro Ottawa this summer to help make a dangerous job a bit safer. Bradley Kasaboski, Derek Boase and Mauricio Ledón spent three months developing a prototype for a training jacket that can teach would-be power-line technicians how to navigate high-voltage wires.
Surface Mining Risk Assessment Results
The Ministry of Labour recently completed a Surface Mining Risk Assessment Workshop with the sector which produced some interesting results.
For more details please review the following documents:
- Surface Mining Sector Risk Assessment:Workshop introduction, theory, process, subject-matter expert participants, and Top 10 results.
- Surface MiningFull List – Ranked High Level: Ranked results with just the high level risk statements
Surface Mining Full List Ranked Detailed: Ranked results with supporting details (contributing factors, current controls, evidence.)
Click here to read more.
Health and Safety Guide: Masonry, Tile, Terrazzo, and Allied Trades (B013)
This pocket-sized guide provides an introduction to the most common health and safety hazards faced by workers and small employers in the masonry, tile, terrazzo, and allied trades. Click here to have a look
Trade / Sector LMHSC Activity Update
The trade and sector LMHSC completed a wide variety of projects which include health and safety bulletins, best practices, and safety talks as well as outreach activities. The following is a look back at some of the outstanding efforts undertaken by the Trade and Sector Labour-Management committees in 2016. Click on the live links for full details.
Boilermakers Trade LMHSC: This committee completed IHSA’s new Boilermaker Health and Safety Manual (M071) and are now addressing training requirement efficiencies for their trade on a nation basis.
Carpenters Trade LMHSC:
The Carpenters Trade LMHSC are planning to address several issues in 2017 as follows: an Occupational Health Risk document for their trade; a Health and Safety Talk outside of work to transfer good health and safety practices to the home environment; a Translation Table cart; and will address “Near Miss” incidents in an effort to encourage reporting.
Commercial Diving Trade LMHSC:
The Commercial Diving Trade LMHSC prepared a guideline addressing Safety Diver Dress for Specific Job Sites (R. Hayward) that was published in CADC magazine (the official magazine of the Canadian Association of Diving Contractors).
The Committee is also in the process of assisting with a coordinated effort to offer a Commercial Diving Supervisor Training program, and have begun developing an awareness campaign to address the underground economy and unsafe diving contractors.
The CLAC Sector LMHSC have been busy looking into the following items: the CLAC Health and Safety Newsletter continues to be published on a regular basis and distributed to the members; the committee held a Prevention Office Presentation on CHSAT; and a special session for members and guests addressing Supervisor Due Diligence with Karen Fields from Crawford, Chondon and Associates was held October 25/16.
Concrete Floor LMHSC:
The Concrete Floor LMHSC are working on addressing musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) associated with concrete slump and are looking at procedures for the emergency rescue of workers in areas with limited access/egress.
The committee has also finished the development of a Concrete Finishers Health and Safety Manual.
Demolition Trade LMHSC:
The Demolition Trade LMHSC has been working in conjunction with the Environmental Abatement Council of Ontario (EACO) to develop a standardized designated substance survey (building hazardous material survey). The committee also submitted a needs analysis to review the demolition section in the Ontario Construction Regulations, which was approved by the Construction Legislative Review Committee (CLRC).
Drywall Trade LMHSC:
The Drywall Trade LMHSC will be addressing scaffold use in drywall operations and are looking into noise exposure and silica exposure hazards in their trade.
A new revised Electrical Construction and Maintenance Workers Health & Safety Manual (M10)
is now available. The committee worked on a generic Ergonomic Policy for employers to utilize in developing their own Policy.
Elevator/Escalator Trade LMHSC:
The committee continues to seek clarification for machine room guarding. Also, the committee has
recommended permanent hoistway lighting and this topic has been moved forward to the Hoistway Code committee A17-B44, which is continuing to discuss this item. The committee’s MSD Hazards and Controls profile for Elevator and Escalator Trades draft is completed.
Highrise Forming LMHSC:
The Highrise Forming members are developing Guidelines for the Design and Inspection of Formwork to increase workers’ competency with this aspect of their work. The committee is also working on a Book of Typical details to educate workers to accurately read blue print on formwork projects, Concrete slump levels to prevent related MSD’s; After hours and Tower Crane rescue and are addressing a clarification in regards to the definition of a Critical Injury.
Insulators Trade LMHSC:
The Insulators Trade LMHSC have completed a draft of safe work practices for Aerogel insulation and are now working on the development of a trade newsletter.
Ironworker / Rodworker Trade LMHSC:
This committee is reviewing a structural steel best practices document for possible reference and use in Ontario titled: Structural Steel Erection Best Practices, by the Manufacturers’ Health & Safety Association in Alberta.
Masonry Trade LMHSC:
The Masonry Trade LMHSC continues to be very busy this year and has undertaken the following efforts: the development of a Mast Climber Best Practices document; development of a Health and Safety Guide for Masonry, Tile, Terrazzo, and Allied Trades; the members discussed respiratory Issues regarding Air Quality; and the committee is now preparing a Needs Analysis to adopt a hierarchy of control programs (at the source, along the path, and at the worker) in the regulatory process.
Millwrights Trade LMHSC:
The millwrights are discussing how to address safe work procedures for commissioning of new installations and trouble-shooting for workers in their trade. The committee is undertaking to review older documents created through this committee.
Occupational Disease and Research LMHSC:
This committee has been addressing an initiative focused on banning the importation of asbestos into Canada. The members are also completing a review of section 30 of the Occupational Health & Safety Act with respect to owners’ duties.
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the Occupational Health and Safety Act. To help ensure Ontario mines comply with the new requirements, Workplace Safety North (WSN) and the Ministry of Labour (MOL) jointly hosted a special mining health and safety webinar on December 21, 2016 which focused on risk assessments, water management programs, traffic management programs, and the recording of seismic events. Click here for more information.
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an employer who cares about your employees, you also want to make sure that everyone gets home safe at the end of the day. If there was a simple way to do both of those things, wouldn’t you jump at the chance? If you haven’t joined one of IHSA’s Safety Groups, then you’re missing out on a great opportunity.
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Safe Worker Award
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Safe Driver Award