WHAT’S NEW – August 2016 | Issue #75
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Ontario Seeking Input To Protect Workers And Support Business
Ontario has launched the next phase of consultations on employment and labour laws that will protect workers while supporting businesses in the changing economy. The consultations will seek feedback on the Changing Workplaces Review Interim Report. The interim report, written by special advisors C. Michael Mitchell and John C. Murray, outlines the review’s findings to date on ways the Labour Relations Act, 1995, and Employment Standards Act, 2000, could enhance protections for workers and supports for business in Ontario’s evolving workforce.
New Legislation On Workplace Sexual Violence And Harassment
Bill 132, the Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and Challenging Sexual Violence and Harassment), will come into effect on September 8, 2016. The legislation includes several amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act. These amendments will enhance employer responsibilities with respect to harassment that occurs in the workplace, including sexual harassment.
New Ministry Video Focuses On Veterinary Clinics
The ministry has released a new video focusing on what inspectors look for during inspections at veterinary clinics. The video highlights some of the health and safety hazards at these workplaces and appropriate controls.
Mobile Crane And Material Hoisting Blitz
Hazards involving mobile cranes can lead to severe injuries and fatalities of workers or members of the public. In August and September, the ministry is focusing on hazards involving mobile cranes – including those related to material hoisting – at construction sites in a province-wide inspection blitz.
Ministry Of Labour Recruiting Health And Safety Inspectors
The ministry is looking for health and safety inspectors to work across the province. There are 25 permanent industrial inspector positions and seven permanent construction inspector positions available. Successful applicants will undergo extensive training made up of classroom and field study.
Hot Off The Press … For The Last Time
The latest issue of Health & Safety at Work TODAY is now available! Read about the newest ministry initiatives, legislation, enforcement activities, and prevention programs and products. This quarterly issue will also be its last. The ministry found that an overwhelming 95 per cent of subscribers also receive What’s New – which provides the same information and, as a monthly newsletter, comes out more frequently (more reason to continue reading What’s New to say up-to-date with the latest news and resources!).
Reminder: Labour Day Is A Public Holiday Under The ESA
Most Ontarians who are covered by the Employment Standards Act (ESA) are entitled to a minimum of nine public holidays with public holiday pay – including Labour Day. Employees who are entitled to take public holidays off work may work on those days if they agree in writing. Please note that some employees may work in jobs that are exempt from public holiday provisions in the ESA.
Updated Resource On Lyme Disease
Blacklegged ticks that can transmit Lyme disease are in Ontario. Workers who work in certain outdoor areas are at risk for tick bites and developing Lyme disease, and should protect themselves. The Ministry of Labour – with the help of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care – has recently updated its resource on tick bites and Lyme disease.
International Mine Rescue Competition
From August 19 to 26, 2016, mine rescue teams from around the globe will meet in Sudbury, Canada, for the 10th International Mines Rescue Competition. Hosted by Workplace Safety North and Ontario Mine Rescue, 28 teams representing 13 nations will compete in different events including an underground scenario, firefighting, first aid and more.