ODCIW/OEA Memorandum of Agreement
(as of July 27 – 2016)
WAGES: (Package settlement of wages, vp, and fringe fund determination: For Locals 700, 736, 759, 765, 786 of $2.86 total increase, (1.00, 0.93, 0.93 per annum) Local 721 $3.00, ($1.00, $1.00, $1.00 per annum) retroactive back 45 days prior to the date of ratification ending the closest pay period. and Travel, Board Commuting of 2% onetime increase first year effective date of ratification, plus all other agreed upon items #1 thru #13. The Local Union shall ratify said memorandum by August 8th, 2016.
Item #1
Add Article 11.4
Time lost due to inclement weather may be made up by working up to (2) hours per day (beyond the regular work hours) at time and one half rates, up to maximum of (5) hours on Saturday at time and one half rates. Such make-up time shall not be accumulated or compounded and shall not exceed 40 hours worked. This applies to structural steel erection only, in the ICI sector and is inclusive of decking and stud installation. The Make Up time hours will be on a Voluntary basis. This Article is subject to the provisions of article 11.3.
Update CBA:
- Renewal of all letters specialty agreements and memorandum of agreements and appendix’s.
- Effective Dates May 1 2016 to April 30 2019
Update and revise the following articles: 4.3, 6.2, 6.4, 7.5, 8.1, 12.3, 17.1, 20.3, 28.6, 29.1, 29.2, 29.4, 30.2, 31.a as per the attached marked up copy of the Collective Agreement.
Add Letter of Understanding OIWDC/OEA Joint Committee outlined below:
- Develop joint Committee 6 members from Management and 6 from Labour and conduct bimonthly meetings, conducted by a neutral industry mediator to commit to create a plan to aid in the betterment of our industry.
Article 4.3: work 8 hours paid at 115% of base wage.
All cheques and ROE’s will be filed electronically if not they must be sent Priority Mail
If the Employer has not (mailed or electronically mailed) the employees pay stub within the next pay period a grievance must initiated within 9 working days
Safety Article from International (Waiting for OEA response from Legal)
Tool and Clothing Insurance Increase
From $600-$1000
Article 2.1a)
Add to “all employees of the CBA” that they shall be “contributing member of the Union”
ITEM #10
Safety Training in Sarnia
ITEM #11
TIP increases
TIP increases to .22 and .11
ITEM #12
2% Increase (onetime increase) First Year in Commuting, Travel and Board
increase in travel excepting item 13. App b article 1b) $.52/km
ITEM #13
120-160 km Zone in Local 765 Increase to $60
Commencing May 1st 2017