What’s New April 2016 Issue #71
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Supporting Ontario’s First Responders
On April 5, 2016, Ontario passed the Supporting Ontario’s First Responders (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) 2016, an act that will create a presumption that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosed in first responders is work-related. This act is part of the province’s strategy to prevent or mitigate the risk of PTSD and provide first responders with faster access to treatment and the information they need to stay healthy.
New Rules Protect Employees’ Tips In Ontario
Starting June 10, 2016, it will be illegal for employers to keep a portion of employees’ tips and other gratuities, except as permitted by the Employment Standards Act, 2000.
The Health And Safety Checklist – A New Resource For Small Businesses
Business owners know that a commitment to health and safety makes good business sense. To help small businesses, the ministry has created the Health and Safety Checklist. This new resource helps serve as a starting point for understanding rights and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
2016-2017 Inspection Blitz Schedule Announced
Ontario will help protect workers on the job by launching more than 20 targeted blitzes at workplaces across the province over the next year. These enforcement blitzes will focus on violations of Ontario’s employment standards, and occupational health and safety laws. Learn about upcoming ministry blitzes and initiatives in the new 2016-2017 schedule.
Occupational Exposure Limits Consultations
The ministry is consulting on new and revised Occupational Exposure Limits for hazardous substances. The ministry is also consulting on amendments that will, if approved, introduce new respiratory protection and measuring provisions. Other proposed changes include those to minimum oxygen content set out in the Industrial Regulations, and frequency of medical examinations under the regulation respecting Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations.
High Visibility Safety Apparel
On July 1, 2016, new requirements come into force under the Regulation for Mines and Mining Plants that will strengthen and improve requirements for high visibility safety apparel in the mining sector.
Hazard Alert: Explosion Risk Associated With Old Laboratory Samples
In 2013, an explosion occurred at an environmental science facility while workers were discarding old biological samples into a box for disposal. One worker was injured from flying shards of glass and explosion shockwaves. Another suffered temporary hearing loss. Read the ministry’s new alert about the potential for serious injuries that could result from the unsafe storage and disposal of old laboratory samples.
Hazard Alert: Falling Ice On Construction Projects
At construction projects, overhead ice can accumulate on different surfaces such as the roof of a building, an excavation wall, or even formwork. Large icicles can form on eaves, window frames or gutters. Overhead ice represents a significant hazard to workers if not quickly removed.
Hazard Alert: Tire Explosion – Pyrolysis
Large rubber tires for trucks and heavy equipment have the potential to explode with devastating force as a result of a decomposition process which can occur when the tire overheats or is exposed to a heat source. Workers and others may sustain critical or fatal injuries as a result. Learn what precautions to take to address this hazard.
National Day Of Mourning
Every year on April 28, we pay our respects to, and remember, the thousands of workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness as a result of work-related incidents.
North American Occupational Safety And Health Week
In early May, many across the country will celebrate North American Occupational Safety and Health Week. Its aim is to focus the attention of workplaces and the public on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home and in the community. Learn how you can get involved!