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Ontario Erectors Association

Notice – Annual General Meeting May 14th, 2014

To all member companies of the Ontario Erectors Association, notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting is scheduled:

DATE: May 14th 2014


LOCATION: Westin Prince, 900 York Mills Road Toronto Ontario M3B3H2


  1. Call meeting to order and read notice to members
  2. Review and approve the 2013 A.G.M minutes
  3. Discuss any business arising from the 2013 A.G.M.
  4. Review the 2013 budget to actual
  5. Present the 2013 audited report
  6. Review the 2014 budget
  7. Presentation of the 2013 Pension and Benefit Plan report
  8. Presentation of the Trade Improvement Plan report
  9. Confirm and approve all acts and proceedings of the board of directors
  10. and officers from the last A.G.M.
  11. Appoint auditors and legal council
  12. Conduct other business that has properly come before the Board
  13. Set the date for the next A.G.M.
  14. Adjournment