Service Canada Virtual Labour Market Partners Liaison Service for Ontario Region
Service Canada has announced the implementation of Service Canada, Ontario Region’s Virtual Labour Market Partners Liaison Service (VLMPLS), offered via a Regional General Delivery (GD) Mailbox as an additional point of access. This GD mailbox offers a virtual channel for employers, unions and associations to submit questions, points for clarification, or expressed interest in assistance with ESDC / Service Canada programs and services, as well as a request for a dedicated callback.
The following is information about Service Canada, Ontario Region’s Virtual Labour Market Partners Liaison Service (VLMPLS), offered via a Regional General Delivery (GD) Mailbox as an additional point of access.This GD mailbox offers a virtual channel for employers, unions and associations to submit questions, points for clarification, or expressed interest in assistance with ESDC / Service Canada programs and services, as well as a request for a dedicated call back. The service standard for response is one business day.
This service is available from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time, Monday to Friday until further notice. Please submit your enquiries to the following GD Mailbox address: ESDC.ON.CSE-ECC.ON.
EDSC@servicecanada.gc.ca .The above noted GD box is not intended for individual client enquiries or to provide assistance with EI claims.
Service Canada continues to support individuals through an alternate service delivery platform and clients can submit a request online at the following E-Services Canada link. A Service Canada employee will call-back within 48 hours and guide clients through the online channel, and depending on their individual circumstances, an appointment at one of our Service Canada Centre locations may be scheduled.