Online Training Resources from IMPACT and the Iron Workers
No Cost Online Training:How to Lead Through the CIV-19 Crisis and Its Aftermath: Crucial Skills for Crucial Times (by VitalSmarts): https://go.vitalsmarts.com/Event-WC- 03312020-COVID19-Series_100. Registration.html?from= homepage Dale Carnegie’s Handling Stress and Supporting Resilience in Times of Crisis:https://www.dalecarnegie.com/en/resources/ webinar-handling-stress-and- supporting-resilience-in- times-of-crisis Construction in Crisis: A CURT Response:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLSdI2fjn3MAV5Q_ Ja6b9yICuzvgSTzCkNPVNaJJsnSGiw hCNlA/viewform DuoLingo: https://www.duolingo.com/ . [If you’ve ever aspired to learn a second language, DuoLingo is a great no-cost resource for getting started.]Fee-Based and No-Cost Online Training:IMPACT Learning Management System (LMS): www.Ironworkercontractoru.com [The LMS has no-cost training resources and fee-based training resources; there is no fee to gain access to our Learning Management System; you must fill out an online registration form if you do not already have an account]. Below are courses available on the Learning Management System:Contractor Development Program Webinar Series (no fee)Detailer Training Series (no fee)Harassment Awareness (no fee)OSHA 10: $55OSHA 30: $109IMPACT Bundle of Construction Management courses plus OSHA 10 and 30: $159Ironworkers Learning Management System (LMS):https://ironworkers.personalearning.com/ . [Talk to your apprenticeship coordinator about receiving access to the Ironworker Learning Management System. Your apprenticeship coordinator will be able to identify courses that have online study materials, such as the Superintendent Training for Ironworkers Level 1 Online course. Now is a great time to expand your skills!]Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/[Udemy is a general online learning website that offers courses on countless topics at a very low cost.] Don’t hesitate to call me if you have questions about training. Thank you.To OPT-OUT of future IMPACT messages, please press the reply button, and put OPT-OUT in the subject line. Thank you.Cindy Menches, Ph.D., P.E., STSCIMPACT Director of Professional Development & Training1750 New York Ave., NW, Suite 400Washington, D.C. 20006O: 202-393-1147D: 202-383-4843C: 202-294-1474