IMPORTANT NOTICE on Future Building 2020
Future Building is an annual two-day event designed to introduce young career seekers in grades 7-12, aboriginal youth, youth at risk and adults in career transition to the building and construction industry. This unique career exposition provides over 2,500 attendees with an interactive hands-on experience using a variety of tools and techniques across many of the skilled construction trades.
Given the recent world health crisis of the Covid-19 virus, I am writing to personally inform you that we have made the difficult decision to cancel Future Building 2020 on May 13 and 14 in Chatham, Ontario.
Please continue to check your e-mail and OCS social media channels regularly as we will be sharing more information about future events shortly.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please have no hesitation to contact the Ontario Construction Secretariat (OCS) by phone at 416-620-5210 or by email at info@iciconstruction.com.