ICI Collective Bargaining Bulletin – June 5, 2019
June 5, 2019 The OCS is committed to providing information to our labour and management stakeholders to ensure all parties are aware of current bargaining progress and settlements as they occur. This is the 5th edition of our ICI Collective Bargaining Bulletin based on information received by the OCS as of the end of day June 4, 2019. Currently, 14 agreements have been ratified, 4 trades have tentative agreements and 8 are outstanding.
Status of Negotiations / Details of Settlements Trade Status / Details Ratification Boilermaker Bricklayer Tentative Agreement Carpenter General Carpenter
Ranges from $2.70 (London) to $3.65 (Toronto)General Carpenter Board Area 8 ($3.65 over 3 years)
Year 1: $1.15
Year 2: $1.30
Year 3: $1.20Formwork Board Area 8 ($3.75 over 3 years)
Year 1: $1.15
Year 2: $1.30
Year 3: $1.30May 12, 2019 Cement Mason $3.60 over three years
Year 1: $1.20
Year 2: $1.20
Year 3: $1.20June 1, 2019 Demolition $4.25 over 3 years (on Local 506 Operator’s Rate)
Year 1: $1.25
Year 2: $1.50
Year 3: $1.50
- Full Provincial mobility
- 3 employers to 1 union name hiring
- Common Provincial labour classifications
May 22, 2019 Electrical $4.05 over 3 years
Year 1: $1.25
Year 2: $1.40
Year 3: $1.40
• Possible post-negotiated wage adjustment of up to $1.00, depending on the settlements reached with the eight comparator trades
• Local areas negotiated meaningful changes to their local agreementsFeb. 13, 2019 Elevator Year 1: $1.00 (1.5%)
Wage formula to determine Year 2 and 3Ratified Glazier Toronto/Ottawa – $3.40 over 3 years (6.3%)
Year 1: $1.00
Year 2: $1.15
Year 3: $1.25Rest of Province (6%)
May 27, 2019 Insulator $4.05 over 3 years
Year 1: $1.50
Year 2: $1.25
Year 3: $1.30May 29, 2019 Ironworker Labourer Tentative Agreement. Waiting on Local Area wage schedules Millwright $3.98 over 3 years
Year 1: $1.30
Year 2: $1.33
Year 3: $1.35
- 2% increase to travel and Board
- 40 hour work week across the province
Ratified Operating Engineers $4.25 over 3 years
Year 1: $1.50
Year 2: $1.50
Year 3: $1.25May 14, 2019 Painter Painter
(Taper Portion)Toronto ($3.80 over 3 years)
Year 1: $1.20
Year 2: $1.20
Year 3: $1.40Outside Toronto
Varies at lower rateMay 26, 2019 Plasterer $3.10 over 3 years Ratified Plumber Strike as of June 1 Precast Local 506 ($3.75 over 3 years)
Year 1: $1.25
Year 2: $1.25
Year 3: $1.25Ratified Refrigeration Tentative Agreement
Ratified by Management, Labour ratification expected by end of June.Rodworker Previous tentative agreement voted down Roofer Toronto Wage Increase
Year 1: $1.50 includes $0.10 in exchange for deletion of the WSIB Bill 162 req’t
Year 2: $1.35
Year 3: $1.35Ottawa Wage Increase
Year 1: $1.70 * includes $0.10 in exchange for deletion of the WSIB Bill 162 req’t
Year 2: $1.25 *
Year 3: $1.00
*includes contributions to Stabilization Fund, Work Ready Training and Skills TrainingProvincial Wage Increase (excluding Toronto and Ottawa)
Year 1: $1.30 includes $0.10 in exchange for deletion of the WSIB Bill 162 req’t
Year 2: $1.15
Year 3: $1.05May 7, 2019 Sheet Metal Strike as of May 6 Sprinkler Fitter Tentative Agreement
National agreement, ratification expected by end of JuneSteeplejack $4:50 over 3 years
Year 1: $2.50
Year 2: $1.00
Year 3: $1.00
- One time $400 signing bonus
June 1, 2019 Teamster Tile & Terrazzo If you have any new information to report on the status of collective bargaining, or the details of new agreements, please let us know.Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or any bargaining status updates to report.Katherine Jacobs, Director of Research
T (416) 620 -5210, Ext. 225
M (4160 550-3189
E kjacobs@iciconstruction.com
W www.iciconstruction.com