February 4/11 Issue: Texas design-error puzzle; PG&E Chapter 11 snares contractors
Risk Management
14 Texas is a little bit different from all other states when it comes to the cost and responsibility for design defects. Can the state’s subcontractors eradicate a precedent with unusual roots dating back to 1907 San Antonio?
06 Litigation: New fallout hits creditors in PG&E battle
08 Workplace: How a contractor’s owner broke ties to a nonunion firm
10 Rail Transit: Concrete firm to pay $1 million to settle charges of false records
12 International: World Bank debars Odebrecht subsidiary for alleged fraud
13 Infrastructure: Study finds Canadian private funders wary of project risk
13 Education: Broader training needed for engineering deans, says study
07 Research: New methods and materials in bridge building gain acceptance
46 Risk Mitigation: Insurance company advisor cuts out the middle man
10 Manufacturing: After Trump steps in, Foxconn recommits to flat-panel hub
11 Tall Buildings: Supertower-building activity healthier than ever last year
12 Highways: Virginia launches $1 billion in I-95 and Capital Beltway projects
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Resilient Museum Much More Than Child’s Play
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