Your Summer 2018 edition of the Labour-Management Network e-News
Marijuana legalization set to become effective October 17
(Useful workplace related information)
Recreational marijuana will officially become legal in Canada on Oct. 17, 2018. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed the long-awaited start date during Question Period in Ottawa recently, ending months of speculation surrounding when, precisely, Canadians will be able to purchase and consume the drug legally.
The Liberals had initially aimed for July 1, but procedural issues and delays prevented them from reaching that target.
Additional information to assist employers in dealing with the possible impact on workplaces the following information is available below:
- CCOHS – Workplace Strategies: Risk of Impairment from Cannabis
- CSA – Workplace policies on substance use: Implications for Canada
- Ontario Ministry of Labour: Impairment and Workplace Health and Safety guideline
Where is the Health and Safety Awareness e-learning module? / Why was it taken down? / How do I meet the requirements of Awareness training now?
You may have noticed that the Health and Safety Awareness Training for Workers and Supervisors e-learning modules have been removed from the Ministry of Labour website.
This decision was made because the e-learning module had resources that were out of date and technical limitations resulted in an inconsistent user experience. The ministry is reviewing the training in order to ensure the products meet the needs of all workers. In the meantime there are other resources on the website that fully meet the same regulatory requirements that the e-learning modules addressed. For more information on this item, please click here.
IHSA announces new employer-recognition programs
IHSA is pleased to announce two new award programs that will acknowledge employers who go above and beyond to protect the health and safety of their workers. Please click here to read all of the details.
The impact of powerline contact is instant and lethal
Each year, incidents across the province highlight a deadly, but often ignored danger near homes and on jobsites: powerlines. Over a 10-year period, there were more than 1,300 overhead powerline contacts in Ontario resulting in a total of 23 deaths, with many more seriously injured by burns. This past May, the Electrical Safety Authority’s (ESA’s) Powerline Safety Week reminded people across the province to stay aware of overhead powerlines when doing work at home or on the job.
“Electricity is an unforgiving force that can kill or injure in the blink of an eye,” says Scott Saint, Chief Public Safety Officer, Electrical Safety Authority. “All it takes is one careless moment to change your life and the lives of your family and friends.” Read the full details.
MTO Paves Way for Fairer Compliance in Excavation, Aggregate Sectors
The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has been working on a game plan in cooperation with driver, shipper, load broker, equipment supplier, and carrier groups to address the decades-old challenges of weight compliance in the aggregate and excavation sectors.
At a recent town hall meeting in Mississauga, former Minister of Transportation Steven Del Duca, and staff reinforced MTO’s commitment to return enforcement to the sector by the fall of 2018. The plan involves continued cooperation with all stakeholders on a multi-phased project built on facts, data, and making evidence-based decisions to hold all parties in the supply chain accountable (including loaders, shippers and suppliers). Click here to read the details of the plan.
Regional LMHSC Activity Update
Here is a look back at some of the outstanding efforts undertaken by the Regional Labour-Management committees in 2018. Click on the live links for full details
Barrie Region LMHSC:
The Barrie Regional committee has been discussing outreach projects to communicate with the general public, as well as local contractors. The committee is also in the process of arranging information sessions at meetings and recruiting new members.
Central Region LMHSC:
The Central Region LMHSC continued publication of its Health & Safety newsletter. Publication topics addressed in 2017 included motor vehicle incidents (February) and the MOL safety blitz results and blitz schedule (May). The first issue for 2018 on the topic of fall protection was recently issued and the second issue of the year will address struck-by incidents.
As part of its Lunch and Learn sessions, the committee has received a presentation from Valerie Henschel from the Ministry of Labour – Employment Standards branch who delivered information on Bill 148 at the January 23, 2018 meeting. At the upcoming Sept. 25 meeting, Elisa Brewer-Singh the Program Coordinator with Waterloo Region Suicide Prevention Council from Lutherwood is going to speak to the committee on issues relative to suicide as it pertains to the Construction Sector.
Hamilton Region LMHSC:
The Hamilton Region LMHSC held this year’s annual joint meeting with the Central and Niagara LMHSC’s on June 13. This year’s event saw more than 70 people (members and guests) attending and its focus was on mentoring young workers. The committee has also completed the second in a series of posters regarding the dangers of being distracted at work.
Kingston Region LMHSC:
The Kingston LMHSC has been actively working on another Health and Safety Day which is scheduled for Nov. 9 (details to follow soon).
The members participated in the Kingston Steps for Life Walk which was a great success.
Although the rain dampened attendance a little at this year’s event a total of 81 walkers participated.
The committee currently has approximately $25,000 in corporate sponsorship exceeding their goal of $15,000.
Retired member Steve Cronkright received his Gil Samson award from 2017.
The Kingston committee is also recruiting new members for the upcoming period.
London Region LMHSC:
The London Region LMHSC committee is continuing their effort to provide information to the Residential Sector. Since the last update they completed and issued publications on the safe use of Propane and Site Specific Training for Working at Heights and WHMIS 2015. The committee also held its first in a series of Safety Workshops. The first workshop was attended by more than 40 stakeholders and presentations were provided by the WSIB, the Ministry of Labour and the IHSA. Upcoming events include Health and Safety Day at Fanshawe College where the IHSA Mobile Classroom will be there to provide safety information to Trade Apprentices and a second health and safety workshop sometime in the fall. Finally, the committee is looking at respirator smoke testing and its effects on workers. They issued a letter to the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) on the subject.
Niagara Region LMHSC:
As outreach to the community the Niagara, the committee participated in the District School Board of Niagara’s “Empowering Young Women to Explore Skilled Trades and Technologies Conference”, the Niagara Catholic District School Board annual Technology Skills Competition, and the Niagara Construction Association’s Safety Awareness Day. At all these events they had the IHSA booth and handed out safety materials. As an ongoing outreach goal for many years the committees has provided the STEP Program to local area high school students. The committee also continue to develop occupational health and safety information with topics such as language translation (with Google and EL CHARPP), the OHSA plain language regulations app, and information on mentoring young workers.
North Bay Region LMHSC:
The North Bay Region LMHSC held a health and safety outreach event for two days at Canadore College. Trade Apprentice students from the College received health and safety awareness training, hands-on activities with fall protection equipment, and both staff and students received a presentation covering rights and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. They also hosting a presentation on due diligence from a labour lawyer for stakeholders in the area.
Northwestern Region LMHSC:
The Northwestern Region LMHSC members heard a presentation from Ina Chomyshyn (Ministry of Labour) at the April meeting, regarding the new noise regulations. Chris Wilkinson from DriverCheck also addressed the committee on “Cannabis in the Workplace” at the June meeting.
The committee members are presently working on arrangements to hold a mock trial that is being planned for November 14. Details will be released soon.
Ottawa Region LMHSC:
The Ottawa Regional Labour Management Health and Safety committee participated in a Catholic School Board Health and Safety Presentations to students. The Ottawa members are also in progress of working on a Health and Safety Day scheduled for this fall and the committee has submitted a needs analysis to develop a health and safety advisory.
Sarnia Region LMHSC:
Dave Kerwin (committee chair), Tracey Verdone (committee member), and Bill Bailey (MPP from Sarnia) who sponsored the mandatory call before dig legislation.
The Sarnia Region LMHSC participated at the City’s annual Emergency Preparedness Day (the Largest Emergency Preparedness Event in Ontario) to provide local area students with young worker health and safety information. The committee is also in the process of promoting the IHSA’s “Keep Your Promise” campaign throughout the community by placing vinyl decals on various company vehicles. Finally, the committee is in contact with City of Sarnia to try and have the IHSA Mobile Classroom provide safety information to a local area city project.
Sault Ste. Marie Region LMHSC:
The Sault regional committee presented to a double class on April 9 at Korah Collegiate & Vocational to help local school teachers educate students on health and safety so they are job ready for co-op program placements and other workplaces. The members are also discussing ways to attract new members to the committee.
Sudbury Region LMHSC:
The Sudbury Region LMHSC held its first in a series of outreach events on Manitoulin Island. The event was well attended and they provide information and health and safety products including “What to Post on a Jobsite”. The committee is currently planning to participate at the WSPS OHS Symposium which is being held in October. They plan to have the IHSA Mobile Classroom at the event and provide a presentation on rights and responsibilities as well as hand out health and safety information. They also hosted a presentation on due diligence from a labour lawyer for stakeholders in the area.
Timmins Region LMHSC:
The Timmins Regional LMHSC held a successful Health and Safety Conference on April 12, 2018 at the Dante Club.
The “Avoid the Worst – Put Safety First” event included nine health and safety sessions of key interest to the construction and mining sectors in the region. The Prevention Office and MOL Acting Provincial Coordinator, Jean Justa delivered keynote comments and City of Timmins councillor Joe Black opened the conference. For a full report on this event, please click here.
IHSA Regional Consultant Karen Hermant spearheaded efforts of the committee in the Timmins “Steps for Life” event once again this year. According to Karen the Timmins walk was a great success and the weather co-operated.
The Timmins Region LMHSC in collaboration with the Timmins Construction Association is once again hosting the annual Safety Awards night in November at which area contractors who posted an exceptional safety record through 2017 will be recognized.
Toronto Region LMHSC:
The Toronto Region LMHSC held a very successful Health and Safety Symposium on October 26, 2017. For the third year in a row, the committee is now working on another event for 2018.
Windsor Region LMHSC:
The Windsor Region LMHSC have made arrangements for IHSA’s Mobile Classroom to attend its September meeting and a Ministry of Labour presentation has been organized.
The members are now working on developing a fall protection work plan and have submitted a needs analysis to have a working group formed to examine the need for inspecting formwork prior to dismantling it, and to have written procedures in place prior to the dismantling of the need for written procedures.
Top 10 Safety Violations in Ontario
The Ontario Ministry of Labour has compiled a “top 10” list of violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, with violence and harassment taking the number 1 spot. In 2017, the ministry issued 11,662 orders for workplace violence and harassment. Click here to read on.
Preventing fatalities in high-hazard work
Over the past few weeks there have been several fatalities in industries that IHSA serves. They span several types of work and varied skill sets. IHSA would like to remind readers that we have a number of safety courses and resources available to assist in reducing hazards in those industries recently affected by these tragedies.
- IHSA’s Defensive Driving -Commercial program
- IHSA’s Distracted Driving hazard topic page
- Health and Safety Advisory: Quick Couplers (W450)
- Health and Safety Advisory: Struck-by Incidents and Heavy Equipment (IHSA046)
- IHSA’s Motor Vehicle Incidents topic page
- IHSA’s Struck-by Hazards topic page
- IHSA’s Trenching and Excavation topic page
IHSA has additional resources for all of its member industries and the work they perform. For other programs and services IHSA can provide to meet your transportation needs, visit the main web page to find more information on how IHSA can help maintain safe and healthy workplaces free from incidents, injuries, illnesses, or fatalities.
MOL Health and Safety Blitz schedule now available online
The Ministry of Labour has released its 2018-2019 blitz schedule, which includes both provincial and regional efforts. These periods of focused enforcement are conducted throughout the year and are based on some of the primary hazards workers face.
Read the blitz schedule on the MOL website.
Trade / Sector LMHSC Activity Update
The trade and sector LMHSC completed a wide variety of projects which include health and safety bulletins, best practices, and safety talks as well as outreach activities. The following is a look back at some of the outstanding efforts undertaken by the Trade and Sector Labour-Management committees in 2018.
Acoustical and Drywall Tile LMHSC:
The Acoustical and Drywall Tile LMHSC developed a new safety talk on noise level and prevention for the drywall trade.
Boilermakers Trade LMHSC:
The Boilermakers Trade members have worked on developing two safety talks that cover radon, and naturally occurring radioactive materials. The members are now monitoring work on minimizing duplicate training within the trade.
Carpenters Trade LMHSC:
The Carpenters Trade LMHSC developed a safety talk on health and safety at home and finished an article on the topic of near-miss reporting.
Commercial Diving Trade LMHSC:
The Commercial Diving Trade committee completed the development of an awareness document to address concerns related to a growing underground economy in the sector and a corresponding use of unsafe diving contractors. The flyer will be distributed to the trade and more than 2,000 homeowners/property owners and businesses who use the services of non-licensed divers to perform commercial dive work. Click here.
The CLAC Sector LMHSC continues to publish a health and safety newsletter for members to keep abreast of health and safety activities. The committee has invited new CPO Ron Kelusky to attend an upcoming meeting.
Concrete Floor Sector LMHSC:
The Concrete Floor LMHSC has evaluated noise exposures of workers performing several different tasks and is assessing strategies to minimize exposure. The committee is working on the publishing of Emergency Rescue Procedures – Uppermost Work Level of Suspended Slab at Night. The members are now considering how best to minimize musculoskeletal disorders associated with concrete slump.
The committee has also completed the technical writing of a publication for a carbon monoxide test strategy.
Demolition Trade LMHSC:
The Demolition Trade LMHSC has completed its work with the Environmental Abatement Council of Ontario (EACO) to develop a standardized designated substance survey (building hazardous material survey). The EACO is currently finalizing the document. The committee is also working on a safety ddvisory for skid steer reversing and general safety practices. The committee is looking at Respirator Smoke Testing and its effects on workers. They plan to issue a letter to the CSA to review the inclusion of this test in their standard.
The ECAO/IBEW LMHSC is presently reviewing its Accident Prevention Educational Program (APEP) for Electrical Construction and Maintenance Workers.
Elevator/Escalator Trade LMHSC:
The Elevator/Escalator Trade LMHSC has been continuing in its attempt to persuade the TSSA to include an inspection for appropriate machine room guarding when approving new installations. Presently machine rooms can be approved for service without guarding in place.
The committee has also persuaded the NEEA Hoistway committee to include a requirement for permanent hoistway lighting in the 2019 Elevating devices ANSI/CSA B44 Elevator code.
The members have been discussing the need and safety aspects of working on energized and moving equipment during troubleshooting and service calls.
The committee also created an advisory on asbestos exposure from equipment they work on and another for workers that work near radio and microwave frequency transmission towers. The members are also discussing options to safely access deep elevator pits during service calls.
Insulators Trade LMHSC:
The Insulators Trade LMHSC have completed a health and safety newsletter which was distributed to members of Insulators Local 95 and Master Insulators Association
The committee is now monitoring the health and safety precautions for using synthetic amorphous silica insulation.
Ironworker / Rodworker Trade LMHSC:
This committee is investigating the safe use and handling of a new fiberglass rod that is showing up on job sites. The members supported a needs analysis on regulation 133 (fall protection for rod workers) and have been discussing the pros and cons of bending rebar versus installing plastic caps, when appropriate.
The committee facilitated the distribution of an Advisory on re-bar caps that explained the need for maintaining them in place, and using the correct type of caps and have been reviewing and updating two M029 Manual chapters on ironwork and rodwork.
Masonry Trade LMHSC:
The Masonry Trade LMHSC has been very busy this year and have finished work on a soon to be published handheld masonry saw safety talk. The members are also working on a Hierarchy of Control Measures poster and a mast climbers best practice document and are about to commence research on handling of oversized masonry units.
Millwrights Trade LMHSC:
The Millwrights Trade LMHSC is undertaking a review of older documents created through this committee and considering other new projects.
Occupational Disease and Research LMHSC:
The Occupational Disease and Research LMHSC have suggested an article on nanomaterials in construction products be created. The members are now working on the technical write-up of a manual for assessing exposures to health hazards.
Operating Engineers/Hoisting Trade LMHSC:
The committee is considering options to develop a recognized level of rigger qualification.
The members are also working on possible advisories regarding tower crane maintenance, and rotary drill rigs and have been monitoring the progress of the Tower Crane regulation review under way by the MOL.
The committee is supporting the Heavy Equipment Trade Board in their pursuit of mandatory trade certification/licensing of operators of concrete pump trucks.
The members continue to hold regular discussions to further safety in regard to telehandlers, mobile cranes, CSA Z150, rotary drill rigs, vehicle mounted aerial devices (in regard to CSA C225 certified equipment), 0-8 mobile crane training, and telescoping concrete conveyor belts.
Painters Trade LMHSC:
The Painters Trade LMHSC has completed the technical work on developing a musculoskeletal hazards and controls profile for its trade.
Pipe Trades LMHSC:
The Pipe Trades LMHSC have completed its work on a soon to be published three panel document that that addresses exposure to asbestos and other airborne products specific to pipe trades workers.
At their May 24 meeting the members received a presentation from Chris Wilkinson (DriverCheck) on Marijuana in the workplace.
Refrigeration / Air Conditioning Trade LMHSC:
The Refrigeration / Air Conditioning Trade LMHSC participated at the CMPX 2018 trade show March 21, 22, and 23. The members are discussing the safety hazards associated with the use of cheater cords (to obtain a power source) and the best way to address this potentially dangerous practice.
The members have been working with ESA on tweaking the electrical code to require a more robust disconnect switch to isolate roof top power for service work. The committee was successful at getting a code change previously to eliminate a certain grade of switch that was failing; however the resulting wording was not as robust or specific as the committee wished.
The committee has worked on and is looking forward to having a new refrigeration trade worker manual.
Residential Sector LMHSC:
The Residential Sector LMHSC spearheaded an effort regarding the City of Toronto laneway closures and was successful in voicing their concerns which resulted in modifications by the City. The committee is still in the final stages of completing work on a low-rise residential sloped roofing best practices document.
Roofers Trade LMHSC:
The Roofers Trade LMHSC was successful in the adoption of changes to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC) for the requirement of cables and raceways installed in metal corrugated roof decking The Roofers LMHS committee has been working on this item for the past two years This committee could not convince the CSA to adopt the proposal; however, Ontario Electrical Safety Code will adopt it. It is anticipated that the proposed changes will be adopted and enforce in May 2019.
The committee was also successful in the development of a new safety talk on working with asphalt
Sheet Metal Trade LMHSC:
The Sheet Metal Trade LMHSC is discussing the challenges of fall protection during roof decking installation. The members have reviewed their trade specific multilevel apprenticeship training materials, and are looking to rebuild it with a whole new structure, starting with information in regard to shop safety. The committee is also looking to grow its ranks with new members.
Sprinkler Fitter Trade LMHSC:
The Sprinkler Fitter Trade LMHSC is hoping to obtain a unique National Occupation Code (NOC) to be able to review WSIB statistics separately from Plumbing and Steamfitters. Currently these trades are coded as one.
The committee initiated concerns for the challenges with elevating work platforms (with the support of the Provincial LMHSC) and has been supporting change in this industry through a working group to review training requirements. The committee has recommended changes to CSA who has responded with significant changes to the standards on elevating work platforms. The new CSA standards are published and the Provincial working group will now be reviewing these standards for a recommendation on changes to the Ontario construction regulation in regard to training.
The committee is considering the possibility of creating a guidance document for locking out of sprinkler systems. There is a balance between no protection and keeping the system available, which leaves workers at risk when a live sprinkler system requires maintenance or renovation
Surface Mining and Aggregates Working Group:
The Surface Mining and Aggregates Working Group has developed a developed a traffic management plan seed document that their trade can use to customize a plan suitable to their specific operation. This item is now available in electronic format on the IHSA website for distribution.
The committee have now completed updating of the following documents which are in process of being published by IHSA: emergency preparedness, lockout for life safety talk sheets; guideline for mobile diesel generating plants; safe methods for machine guarding.
Tunnelling Sector LMHSC:
The Tunnelling Sector LMHSC is continuing to meet to review and recommend changes to the tunnelling sections of the Construction Regulation.
IHSA Product spotlight:
Here is a look at some of the latest and updated products available through IHSA:
- Fall Protection on Sloped Roofs (IHSA053) contains helpful information on training, safe work procedures, and fall protection equipment for those who work on sloped roofs. Download it for free or order it as part of the IHSA Falls Kit.
- Riggers Pocket Guide (V010) – Revised 2018 edition
- Asbestos: Controls for Construction, Renovation, and Demolition (DS037) – Reprint
- A new 2018 Revised Edition of the Contractors Toolkit (B045) is now in stock. This is an excellent resource, especially for small contractors working in the construction industry. It gives them the information they need to comply with health and safety legislation and meet their responsibilities.
- IHSA Safety Talk: Traffic Control – Public Roads 2: In addition to hard hats and safety boots, you’re going to need some equipment to do traffic control. This safety talk is the second part of a two-part series. This part focuses on personal protective equipment and the use of signage in traffic control.
- Health and Safety Advisory: WAH – Site-Specific Training: All Ontario workers who may use a method of fall protection to protect themselves from a fall hazard must receive WAH training that has been approved by the Chief Prevention Officer (CPO) of Ontario. However, CPO-approved WAH training is only the first step. Knowing the specific fall hazards on site and how to protect against those hazards is the key to keeping workers safe and reducing the number of fall-related incidents. IHSA’s new safety advisory contains helpful information on providing site-specific WAH training to workers.
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) BasicTraining e-learning
The Ministry of Labour (MOL), in collaboration with its health and safety system partners, has developed a basic training program guideline and an accompanying basic training provider guideline. These guidelines will help employers and training providers develop and deliver HSR training programs.
In addition, the MOL and its system partners, including IHSA, have developed a voluntary, one-day e-learning program to help HSRs perform their legislative functions. This online course can serve as a starting point for HSRs to begin their H & S training.
After completing this online course, IHSA recommends that HSRs complete more comprehensive training that can help them develop a robust health and safety knowledge base.
For more information, visit the MOL’s HSR page. You can also read up on our course at IHSA’s e-learning page or download IHSA’s Guidelines for Health and Safety Representatives (W002)
Safe Worker and Safe Driver awards recognize health and safety performance
Do you recognize your workers and drivers for their health and safety achievements? IHSA offers two award programs to mark individual efforts in safety.
Safe Worker Award
If an employee works for a full calendar year (January 1 to December 31) without a compensable incident, he or she is eligible for the Safe Worker Award. Generally for the first year, workers must have been full-time employees for at least 75 per cent of the year. To learn more visit the Safe Worker Award webpage.
Safe Driver Award
If a driver works for a full calendar year (January 1 to December 31) without a motor vehicle incident (MVI), he or she is eligible for the Safe Driver Award. The year for school bus drivers goes from July 1 to June 30 to better reflect their schedule. To learn more, visit the Safe Driver Award webpage.