Bill 148: “The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act” Navigating Through The Changes
Complimentary Webinar
Tuesday, November 21, 2017 | 8.30 am – 10.30 pm ESTThis Webinar will examine the Liberal Government’s dramatic overall to the Province’s labour and employment legislation, including the following proposed changes, which are expected to have a significant impact to the way that employers manage their employees. Most of the expected changes will come into effect on January 1, 2018. In this two-hour session we will cover a range of topics including:Changes to the Employment Standards Act
- The Election Context and the Expected Economic Impact of the Changes
- Misclassification of Employees
- The risks employers need to be of aware in utilizing contractors
- Changes to Work Schedules of Work Location
- How employers are to manage requests by employees
- Scheduling Provisions
- The new rules respecting minimum pay for short shifts and cancelled shifts, call in pay, and the right to refuse work on insufficient notice
- Adjustment to Compensation
- Increase to the Minimum Wage and Increase to Vacation Entitlement
- Equal Pay for Equal Work
- The new restrictions prohibiting distinctions on the basis of employment status and on the basis of status as an employee of a temporary help agency
- Leaves of Absences
- Pregnancy and Parental Leave
- Family Medical Leave
- Domestic or Sexual Violence Leave
- Personal Emergency Leave
- Paid Leave
- Restrictions on the right to require medical evidence to support the leave
- Temporary Help Agencies
- Notice obligations
Changes to the Labour Relations Act
- Union’s Access to Employees’ Personal Information During Organizing Campaigns
- Automatic Certification, in the Case of an Unfair Labour Practice
- Card-based Certification in the Building Services, Home Care, Community Services and Temporary Help Sectors
- First Collective Agreement Mediation and Arbitration
- Successorship in the Building Services Sector
- Consolidation of Bargaining Units
Session will end with a Q&A.