What’s New – May 2017
May 2017
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Changing Workplaces Review final report and summary released
The Special Advisors to the Changing Workplaces Review have released a 419-page Final Report. A Summary Report has also been issued. The Report, which proposes amendments to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 and Labour Relations Act, 1995, contains 173 recommendations.
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Keeping workers safe on construction sites
Ontario is helping to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities for workers on construction sites across the province through the implementation of its Construction Health and Safety Action Plan.
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Protecting new and young workers on the job
As summer job season begins, Ontario has launched inspection blitzes to ensure new and young workers, such as summer student employees, are safe on the job and know their rights at work.
Ontario is helping to protect vulnerable workers with an employment standards blitz this summer. From May 1 to August 31, the ministry is conducting inspections of employers who have, or applied for, excess hours or overtime averaging approvals (often called HOW agreements) with the ministry. Officers will check whether employers are complying with their HOW agreements and with the Employment Standards Act, 2000.
Keeping health care professionals safe on the job
Ontario is continuing to enhance safety for health care professionals at work by implementing recommendations from the Workplace Violence Prevention in Health Care Report.
PTSD prevention plans for first responders
Ontario recently passed legislation that created a presumption that Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) diagnosed in first responders, and certain other workers covered by the legislation, is work-related. Employers of workers covered under that presumption were directed to provide the Minister of Labour with information on their workplace PTSD prevention plans by April 23, 2017. Employers who have not sent their plans are reminded to do so.
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Workplace violence and harassment resources
Everyone should be able to work in a safe and healthy workplace. Employers have specific obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act that address violence and harassment. Read new fact sheets on what workers can do if they believe they are being harassed, and information on employer-led investigations and investigations conducted by an impartial person.
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And the winners are… “It’s Your Job” student video contest winners announced
A worker receives harassing messages at work. A student learns the hard way about staying silent on safety. Little toy figures show the importance of working in a safe environment and having proper safety equipment. Watch the winning videos of the “It’s Your Job” provincial secondary school contest!
Live Safe! Work Smart!
The latest edition of the Live Safe! Work Smart! teacher newsletter is now available. This newsletter provides educators with news and information they can use to help educate their students about workplace rights, and health and safety.
New tool measures workplace health and safety
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board has developed a new tool, the Health and Safety Index, to measure the overall health and safety of Ontario’s workplaces. The index condenses a wide range of data in a single measure to show how Ontario’s workplaces overall are performing from year to year – how safe they are, and whether they are getting safer. It’s the first of its kind in North America.
Small Business Health and Safety and Leadership Awards
Has your small business demonstrated a strong commitment to workplace health and safety? A new award program launched by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board recognizes small businesses that have demonstrated leadership and dedication to fostering a strong culture of health and safety. Win up to $5,000!
What’s New is published by the Ministry of Labour.
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