What’s new – January 2017
January 2017 |
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For the past six years, What’s New has kept Ontarians informed about the latest ministry initiatives, legislation and resources. Now into our 80th issue, we have revamped the newsletter to give it a fresher look and to make it mobile-friendly for subscribers. Thank you for being a loyal reader; we look forward to publishing many more issues and to continually keeping you informed. If you know anyone—an employer, worker, HR or labour relations professional—who would benefit from this newsletter, please share it with them! |
Ministry of Labour prosecutions
Workplaces and workplace parties that violate Ontario’s employment and workplace health and safety laws could face convictions, fines or even jail time. Readers can visit the ministry’s website to read court bulletins on some of these convictions. In the past month, some of the convictions include: · Employer Fined $115,000 After Worker Suffers Crushing Injury · Maintenance Work Results in Electrical Shock, Employer Fined $50,000 · Auto Parts Maker Fined $80,000 After Worker Injured · Lack of Proper Fall Protection Results in Injury, $50,000 Fine to Elmira Company |
Blitz results: Mobile cranes and material hoisting
Hazards involving mobile cranes can lead to catastrophic events involving severe injury or death. Between April 1, 2011, and May 31, 2016, three workers died and 12 workers were seriously injured in incidents involving mobile cranes at construction sites across Ontario. There were also 66 reported incidents involving minor injuries to workers or “close calls.” Last August and September, the ministry conducted an enforcement blitz at construction sites that focused on hazards involving mobile cranes and related material hoisting. |
MOL launches LinkedIn presence
In the past few years, Ontarians have been able to keep up with Ministry of Labour news on its social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter. Now, you can also follow us on LinkedIn. Keep abreast with the latest ministry initiatives, legislation and resources, along with new job openings at the ministry. |
Mine plants: Safe work practices for processing
Workers can be at risk of injury or even death as a result of hazards involving processing equipment in smelters, refineries and mills in mining plants. Between 2000 to 2015, four workers died in Ontario mines as a result of incidents involving processing equipment in such workplaces. Learn how to protect workers from hazards involving processing in mining plants. |
Video: Inspection of mine development at a soft rock salt mine
Learn what the ministry looks for during an inspection of a mine development at a soft rock salt mine, as an inspector visits a mine in Goderich, Ont. |
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