Advantage Steel Month June 2016
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Register now for the CISC 87th Annual Conference & National Design Awards, Sept 27-30
Sponsor the CISC Annual Conference & National Design Awards
New! CISC National Steel Symposium for the construction industry on Sept 29, 2016. Register now!
SteelDay is September 16, 2016: Sign up as a host today and profile your business!
This month on SteelKnowledge.ca: Learn about bracing design, ductile moment connections and HSS
Upcoming regional events
Congratulations to École de Technologie Supérieure (ETS) on winning both the CSCE/CISC and the ASCE/AISC National Steel Bridge Competitions!
Course Spotlight
Steel Bridges – Design, Fabrication, Construction
(NEW, UPDATED)This 16-hour course covers the design, fabrication and construction of steel bridges based on CAN/CSA-S6-14, Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. In addition to 4 reworked design examples, updated topics include code overview, brittle fracture, fatigue, methods of analysis, wind and seismic load effects, and aesthetics including pedestrian bridges.More
Steel Bridges – Design, Fabrication, Construction
(NEW, UPDATED)This 16-hour course covers the design, fabrication and construction of steel bridges based on CAN/CSA-S6-14, Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code. In addition to 4 reworked design examples, updated topics include code overview, brittle fracture, fatigue, methods of analysis, wind and seismic load effects, and aesthetics including pedestrian bridges.More
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