2-Minute News from the ISHA
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Safety Talk: Dump Trucks – Workers in Vicinity
Proposal to classify truck drivers as skilled workers
Training spotlight: Introduction to Hazard and Risk Management
Request for comments on implementing the GHS in Canada
IHSA’s Annual General Meeting September 17
Safety Talk: Dump Trucks – Workers in Vicinity |
Dump trucks have tipped over when their boxes were lifted. The result has been death and injury to drivers and nearby workers. It is important, either as a driver of a dump truck or as someone who works in proximity to these vehicles, that you be aware of the potential hazards. Read the IHSA Safety Talk on Dump Trucks – Workers in Vicinity |
Proposal to classify truck drivers as skilled workers |
As part of their effort to reduce driver shortage in Canada, the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) has applied for a review of the truck driving profession by the National Occupational Classification (NOC). The NOC designates occupations as either skilled or unskilled, which affects their eligibility for training funds, temporary foreign workers, etc. The CTA wants the federal government to reclassify tractor-trailer drivers as skilled workers. To do so, they need industry input and data to show that tractor-trailer drivers are paid more than straight truck drivers. High-wage occupations are more likely to be considered skilled trades. You can help the CTA by completing the survey below. Individual responses will be kept confidential. Take the CTA online survey |
Training spotlight: Introduction to Hazard and Risk Management |
A successful Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) minimizes the potential for injury or illness in the workplace. Effective and ongoing hazard and risk management is an important part of that system. IHSA has developed a new course designed to provide information and tools to assist those who are involved in developing or enhancing their organization’s hazard and risk management system. Through structured exercises and case studies, participants will be introduced to concepts, methods, and tools used to create, implement, evaluate, communicate, and maintain a successful hazard and risk management system. This program would be of special interest to organizations that are becoming COR™ certified. You can put your hazard assessment process to the test and see how it measures up against the COR™ standard. The one-day Introduction to Hazard and Risk Management course is available by request. Visit IHSA's course description page and learn more about the program. Contact Customer Service to arrange training. |
Request for comments on implementing the GHS in Canada |
The government of Canada is seeking comments on its proposal to implement the GHS in Canada by repealing and replacing the Controlled Products Regulations and making amendments to related regulations. In 2013 Health Canada conducted public consultations on draft regulations to implement the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). Now they have released the proposed Hazardous Products Regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part Ifor public comment, along with a Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement. Health Canada is seeking written comments on this proposal. Until September 8, 2014, anyone may provide comments on the proposed regulatory amendments, in writing, to the address provided. You have until October 8, 2014 to provide comments on the proposed regulatory amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 regulations only. All comments must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, the date of notice, August 9, 2014, and be addressed to: Amira Sultan Workplace Hazardous Materials Directorate, Health Canada Postal Locator: 4707A, 427 Laurier Avenue West, 7th Floor Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9 Email: WHMIS_SIMDUT@hcsc.gc.ca Telephone: 1-855-407-2665 Fax: 613-993-5016 Questions and requests for additional information, as well as comments on the proposed regulations may also be directed to the Workplace Hazardous Materials Directorate. |
IHSA's Annual General Meeting September 17 |
IHSA will hold its Annual General Meeting on September 17, 2014, at the Centre for Health and Safety Innovation at 5110 Creekbank Road in Mississauga. The meeting will feature an overview of the past year by IHSA staff and board members. As well, IHSA will be presenting several different awards from our various award programs. Visit our AGM web page to download the Meeting Notice and complete Agenda. To register to attend the AGM, download the Registration Form or the Proxy Form. |